of Your Water Conditions with

to Improve Farm Operations

Water Quality Data to
Your Online Portal
• Improve Feed Conversions
• Support Healthy Growth Rates
• Reduce Costs

Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring of DO and Temp
Daily DO Checks
Per Installed Beacon
Daily Data Points
Per Installed Beacon

Water Quality Monitoring to Improve Farm Operations

Aquaculture Water-Quality Monitoring that Never Sleeps
Continuous Monitoring
Our products collect data every minute to ensure water quality is at its best. The data can be aggregated, stored, personalized and retrieved on demand within an easy-to-use dashboard.
Instant Alarms and Alerts
Individual alerts and alarms can be set to immediately notify the farmer remotely of unsafe dissolved oxygen or temperature levels.

Client Portal Access
Beacon users can click below to access data. Username and password are required for portal access.

The Aquasend Beacon®
Our platform aggregates key data points for temperature, oxygen levels and more to manage your farm’s water quality in real time. The solution connects the Aquasend Beacon's® data to a personalized portal to give you instant visibility on desktop or mobile devices. Create the settings that meet your farm’s unique needs, and then monitor all your ponds from the portal with easy-to-read reporting and instant alerts.
Helping Our Customers Succeed
Katie HarrisMt Lassen Trout Farms“From the initial discussion, to the installation and throughout the entire pilot program, the staff at Aquasend was outstanding. The professionalism and support of all staff members was fantastic. The Beacon itself was easy to clean and maintain as was accessing the data. Overall, the experience was very positive.”
Rosalyn Ku`uleimomi Rubio Dias ConcepcionPacific American Foundation“I found the data collected over a 3 month period very useful. It really made me understand the correlation between temperature and DO and how it all relates to understanding what our carrying capacity is. I also like the online accessibility and the way that you could manipulate the data to get a better understanding of what's being represented.”
Daily DO Checks (per Beacon)
Daily Data Points
Daily Alerts

Aquaculture farmers are using the Aquasend Beacon® to monitor and enhance successful growth rates of the world’s top farm-raised fish specifics. Benefits include alerts to managers before losing product, decreased labor costs, using data to increase yields, using data to determine optimum biomass capacity, decreasing energy costs and conducting site evaluations.
Atlantic Salmon
The farmed Atlantic Salmon is the most commercially accessible species. After spending their first year in a freshwater environment, farmed salmon are transferred to seawater where they continue to grow until harvest.

Whiteleg Shrimp
Often referred to as Pacific white shrimp or king prawn, whiteleg shrimp are caught in the wild or bred in hatcheries to be farmed for consumption.

Channel Catfish
Channel Catfish is one of the most commonly raised and consumed species in the United States and make up 90% of U.S. farm-raised catfish.

Rainbow Trout
The ultimate cold-water fish symbolic of clear, healthy mountain streams and lakes in North America, with the ability to thrive in hatcheries.

Sturgeon species cultured in the U.S., include the native White sturgeon and Atlantic sturgeon, as well as several foreign species from Asia and Europe. Production operations focus on both meat and caviar production.

One of the top 10 for most consumed fish in the United States and can be reared in earthen ponds, concrete tanks or in cages. Tilapia are a hardy and fast-growing fish.

Hybrid Striped Bass
Cross between striped bass and white bass. Hybrid striped bass production is a rapidly expanding aquaculture enterprise in the United States and other countries.

Including shrimp, lobster, oysters, clams, mussels and other species. Shellfish can be grown in tanks, ponds and open water.